Hawo® HD 650 D/DE/DC EcoPak® on huipputason lääketieteellinen jatkuva tiivistyskone, joka on suunniteltu tarkkuuteen ja tehokkuuteen sterilointipakkauksissa.
Tämä kestävä ja monipuolinen työkalu on välttämätön terveydenhuoltolaitoksille, lääkinnällisten laitteiden valmistajille ja teollisuudelle, joka vaatii turvallista ja steriiliä pakkausta. Keskeisiä ominaisuuksia ovat jatkuva tiivistys keskeytymättömälle toiminnalle, säädettävä lämpötila ja nopeus materiaalin mukauttamiseksi sekä kaksois-/kolmoistiivistusvaihtoehdot parannetun suojan takaamiseksi.
Sen integroitu leikkausmekanismi, kompakti muotoilu ja käyttäjäystävällinen käyttöliittymä tehostavat työnkulkua.
Rakennettu täyttämään tiukat lääketieteelliset standardit, kone tarjoaa luotettavaa suorituskykyä, helppoa huoltoa ja laajaa pakkausyhteensopivuutta. Energiatehokkaat EcoPak®-mallit vähentävät kustannuksia tinkimättä tehosta. Ihanteellinen instrumenttien sterilointiin, lääkkeiden pakkaamiseen, implantteihin, kertakäyttöisiin tuotteisiin ja kulutustarvikkeisiin, HD 650 D/DE/DC EcoPak® suojaa tuotteen eheyttä ja potilasturvallisuutta.
We are able to produce induction devices with custom designs tailored to your needs.
We offer installation and service support.
HF-15 Gücü: 8 kW MOS tüpten yapılmıştır.
Kullanım Alanı: Düşük kapasiteli metal eritme. Genel kullanım
Çalışma Voltajı: 220 V tek fazlı 50 Hz
Giriş Akımı: 35 A
Çıkış Frekansı: 30 kHz – 100 kHz
HF-25AB Gücü: 16 kW 2’li IGBT teknolojisi
Kullanım Alanı: Düşük kapasiteli metal eritme. Genel kullanım
Çalışma Voltajı: 380 V 3 faz 50 Hz
Giriş Akımı: 24 A
Çıkış Frekansı: 30 kHz – 100 kHz
HF-40AB Güç: 24 kW 2’li IGBT teknolojisi
Kullanım Alanı: Düşük kapasiteli metal eritme. Genel kullanım
Çalışma Voltajı: 380 V 3 faz 50 Hz
Giriş Akımı: 36 A
Çıkış Frekansı: 30 kHz – 100 kHz
HF-55AB Güç: 35 kW 3’lü IGBT teknolojisi
Kullanım Alanı: Düşük kapasiteli metal eritme. Genel kullanım
Çalışma Voltajı: 380 V 3 faz 50 Hz
Giriş Akımı: 55 A
Çıkış Frekansı: 30 kHz – 100 kHz
Installation Cost
In general, an induction system initially costs roughly five times as much as traditional heater strips, but this cost difference may decrease later. For example, depending on the daily electrical energy used, the energy savings achieved in just 6-9 months for a machine that heats induction hives covers the entire installation cost of induction heating. In addition, the higher the efficiency of the machine and the larger the cylinder/barrel, the greater the electricity savings will be.
Additionally, it should be noted that new machines have potential savings such as less wiring, less frequent maintenance, no need to keep replacement heater bands in inventory, reduced downtime, and even improved product quality.
Sectors Served
Induction heaters are mainly used in plastic (rubber) injection machine, extrusion machine, blown plastic film machine, bag machine, wire drawing machine, plastic pipes, cables, etc. Used in areas. Induction heating is a rapid form of heating in which heat is induced directly into the part being heated (for example, the barrel). Induction heating is a non-contact form of heating. A typical induction heating system consists of induction heating power supply, induction heating coil. The induction heating power supply sends alternating current through the induction coil, creating a magnetic field and thus producing heat.
Long Service Life: No heat is generated on the induction heating coil and the temperature of the heating coil does not reach high temperatures, so its service life is long. No maintenance and replacement costs are required. The service life is approximately 6 years when the system operates at full capacity and 24 hours a day, without requiring any maintenance costs.
Safe/Reliable Use: The inside of the cylinder/bucket is heated by high-frequency electromagnetic effect, and the heat is fully utilized and there is basically no loss. Heat is generated in the inner part of the heating body, and the surface temperature is slightly higher than room temperature. Therefore, it does not require temperature protective measures on the outside.
High Efficiency and Energy Saving: With direct induction heating and magnetic energy, the time to reach the desired temperature is very fast and the preheating time can be up to 60% faster than with resistance. Most importantly, at least 30% electricity savings are achieved compared to traditional resistance heating methods.
Accurate Temperature Control: The coil and the cylinder itself do not heat up. In this context, the thermal resistance and thermal inertia are very low, the internal temperature of the material cylinder is consistent, and the temperature control is real-time and accurate. Therefore, product quality and production efficiency are high.
Good insulation: The area around the hive/cylinder is covered with quality insulation material. At the same time, all surfaces of the cylinder are wrapped with a special high-voltage cable resistant to high temperatures. There is no direct air contact with the outer perimeter of the cylinder.
Improve Work Environment: There is no heat loss, and the surface temperature of the heated equipment is low enough for human touch. This improves the working environment of the production site, can improve the working performance of production workers and reduce the cost of ventilation.
Generally, Induction heater has the characteristics of energy saving, high efficiency, long life, high accuracy etc. It has advantages. Induction heater is more suitable for production. In addition to improving production efficiency, production costs are greatly saved, thus increasing profits. AİS Engineering induction heaters provide 30% - 50% energy savings.
Kääntövarrella varustettu lavan muovituslaite, jossa on integroitu kalvopäällysteiden asettaja ja painin, tarjoaa kattavan ratkaisun turvalliseen ja vakaaseen lavapakkaukseen. Tämä kone on erityisesti suunniteltu sovelluksiin, joissa tarvitaan maksimaalista kuljetusturvallisuutta ja kuorman suojaamista. Kääntyvä varsi käärii lavan tarkasti ja tasaisesti, kun taas kalvopäällysteiden asettaja lisää ylimääräisen suojakerroksen ylle suojatakseen kuormaa kosteudelta ja pölyltä. Paineri stabiloi epävakaat tai kevyet kuormat muovausprosessin aikana, jolloin lava pakataan tiukasti ja turvallisesti.
Tämä yhdistelmä kääntövarresta, päällysteiden asettajasta ja painimesta on ihanteellinen yrityksille logistiikassa, elintarviketeollisuudessa, kemianteollisuudessa, lääketeollisuudessa ja muilla aloilla, jotka etsivät vankkaa ja luotettavaa loppupakkauksen ratkaisua. Kone toimii täysin automaattisesti ja mahdollistaa kalvon jännityksen, käämimisnopeuden ja päällysteen sijainnin tarkan säädön, mikä mahdollistaa joustavan mukauttamisen erilaisille kuormatyyppien ja pakkausvaatimusten mukaan. Näiden toimintojen integroinnin ansiosta kääntövarrella varustettu lavan muovituslaite minimoi manuaalisen työn ja vähentää kuljetusvaurioita, mikä alentaa käyttökustannuksia ja lisää tehokkuutta.
Vankkarakenteensa ja käyttäjäystävällisyytensä ansiosta kone voidaan saumattomasti integroida olemassa oleviin pakkauslinjoihin ja se on suunniteltu jatkuvaan käyttöön. Luottakaa kääntövarrella varustettuun lavan muovituslaitteeseemme, jossa on kalvopäällysteiden asettaja ja painin, jotta voitte valmistella lavanne tehokkaasti, turvallisesti ja taloudellisesti kuljetusta varten.
We are able to produce induction devices with custom designs tailored to your needs.
We offer installation and service support.
The control card of induction devices has been specially designed as a result of eight years of R&D work in order to provide energy savings in the heating needs of injection, extrusion, body-building, cable machines and plastic machines. After the installation of the product, 30% - 80% energy savings will be achieved in the electrical energy required to heat injection, plastic machines etc. Therefore, induction heating devices are ideal heating equipment for the specified machines and all kinds of plastic parts production. Due to the electricity savings of manufacturers using induction heating machines in the plastic sector, production costs are reduced and at the same time, the quality of plastic materials is increased since the heat is distributed more uniformly. It also works in 2 phases, 220v and 380v.
Single Phase 220V 2.5KW
Single Phase 220V 3.5KW
Three Phase 380V 5.0 KW
Three Phase 380V 8.0 KW
Three Phase 380V 10.0 KW
Three Phase 380V 15.0 KW
Three Phase 380V 20.0 KW
Three Phase 380V 40.0 KW
Three Phase 380V 60.0 KW
Three Phase 380V 80.0 KW
Three Phase 380V 100.0 KW
*Induction heating energy saving is 30% – 50% compared to heating with resistance
*Modbus RTU RS 485 communication interface
*Digital programmable technology
*Industrial grade AVR fully digital high speed processor
*Dual-core half bridge / full bridge driver structure
*Optocoupler driver technology
*Soft start/stop technology
*Stepless power regulation 20% – 100%
*Fast heating speed
*INFINEON frequency conversion technology, strong anti-interference ability
*Up to 98% energy efficiency
*Self-adaptive coil, wide inductance range
*Generally, plastic industry injection, plastic extrusion, hot water, hotel, school, farm, boiler, oil pipe, mold heating, mold preheating
Installation Cost
In general, an induction system initially costs roughly five times as much as traditional heater strips, but this cost difference may decrease later. For example, depending on the daily electrical energy used, the energy savings achieved in just 6-9 months for a machine that heats induction hives covers the entire installation cost of induction heating. In addition, the higher the efficiency of the machine and the larger the cylinder/barrel, the greater the electricity savings will be.
Additionally, it should be noted that new machines have potential savings such as less wiring, less frequent maintenance, no need to keep replacement heater bands in inventory, reduced downtime, and even improved product quality.
Sectors Served
Induction heaters are mainly used in plastic (rubber) injection machine, extrusion machine, blown plastic film machine, bag machine, wire drawing machine, plastic pipes, cables, etc. Used in areas. Induction heating is a rapid form of heating in which heat is induced directly into the part being heated (for example, the barrel). Induction heating is a non-contact form of heating. A typical induction heating system consists of induction heating power supply, induction heating coil. The induction heating power supply sends alternating current through the induction coil, creating a magnetic field and thus producing heat.
Long Service Life: No heat is generated on the induction heating coil and the temperature of the heating coil does not reach high temperatures, so its service life is long. No maintenance and replacement costs are required. The service life is approximately 6 years when the system operates at full capacity and 24 hours a day, without requiring any maintenance costs.
Safe/Reliable Use: The inside of the cylinder/bucket is heated by high-frequency electromagnetic effect, and the heat is fully utilized and there is basically no loss. Heat is generated in the inner part of the heating body, and the surface temperature is slightly higher than room temperature. Therefore, it does not require temperature protective measures on the outside.
High Efficiency and Energy Saving: With direct induction heating and magnetic energy, the time to reach the desired temperature is very fast and the preheating time can be up to 60% faster than with resistance. Most importantly, at least 30% electricity savings are achieved compared to traditional resistance heating methods.
Accurate Temperature Control: The coil and the cylinder itself do not heat up. In this context, the thermal resistance and thermal inertia are very low, the internal temperature of the material cylinder is consistent, and the temperature control is real-time and accurate. Therefore, product quality and production efficiency are high.
Good insulation: The area around the hive/cylinder is covered with quality insulation material. At the same time, all surfaces of the cylinder are wrapped with a special high-voltage cable resistant to high temperatures. There is no direct air contact with the outer perimeter of the cylinder.
Stretch-kääntölaite, jossa on integroitu kulmasuojain, tarjoaa kattavan ratkaisun palettiesi turvalliseen ja vakaaseen pakkaamiseen. Kulmasuojain suojaa paletin reunoja ja estää vaurioita iskujen tai virheellisen käsittelyn vuoksi kuljetuksen ja varastoinnin aikana. Stretch-kääntölaite kulmasuojalla on ihanteellinen yrityksille logistiikassa, elintarviketeollisuudessa, kemianteollisuudessa, lääketeollisuudessa ja muilla aloilla, jotka arvostavat kattavaa suojaa ja vakaata kuormaa.
Täysin automaattinen kääntö- ja suojaustoiminto mahdollistaa tehokkaan ja tasaisen pakkaamisen, samalla kun kulmasuojain kiinnittää tarkasti suojausmateriaalit palettien reunoille. Stretch-kääntölaiteen ohjaus mahdollistaa kalvon jännityksen, kääntämisnopeuden ja kulmasuojan sijoittamisen joustavan säätämisen, joten pakkausprosessi voidaan mukauttaa tuotteidesi erityisvaatimuksiin. Tämä kone minimoi manuaalisen työn ja vähentää kuljetusvaurioiden riskiä, mikä alentaa käyttökustannuksia ja lisää tehokkuutta.
Kestävä rakenne ja helppo integrointi olemassa oleviin pakkauslinjoihin tekevät Stretch-kääntölaite kulmasuojalla sopivaksi jatkuvaan käyttöön. Se tarjoaa optimaalisen ratkaisun kuljetussuojaan ja auttaa varmistamaan tuotteidesi laatu ja turvallisuus koko toimitusketjun ajan. Luota Stretch-kääntölaite kulmasuojalla suojataksesi palettisi kokonaisvaltaisesti ja maksimoidaksesi pakkausratkaisusi kestävyyden.